Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Hat is in the Ring.

It has been a hectic week for me. Ranging from opening up Pearl Bubble Tea & Coffee to some things more personal and back to more bubble tea.

I am tired beyond comprehensive belief. I think I have averaged about 20 hours of sleep the past two weeks and I may just about get the same amount of sleep this week, maybe less.

I am doing my best to bring all of my experience to use to make this business venture run properly and do well. Yet there are some setbacks and some handicaps that are preventing me from doing my best.

My Russian is pretty shitty, so communicating with staff and customers has been difficult. Let alone all the other people I encounter on a daily basis, at best I can offer them is a "hello" and "how are you?"

School is in session, the malls are always packed during the summer and winter breaks. We opened the second week of September and have seen lesser crowds and pretty slow days. 2/3 of my staff are essentially students so dealing with their schedules and whatnot has been an experience.

But I digress, you should do your best and watch what happens. If you succeed, do what makes you successful. If you fail, change your ways until you see continuous success.  I am determined to do well despite being so tired.

I have not been depressed or sad as I have been in previous months. I feel somewhat uplifted perhaps by hoodie weather and finally getting the first shop open. I also have been going out more checking out the city that I have been living in for nearly seven months.

The buses oh the buses - that one is a separate post. I have tons to say about the bus situation here.

I have been smoking less. The other day I ran for the bus for about twenty feet and it was difficult to run.

So as my brain is dysfunctional as that I cannot properly post anything, I'll have to save the good posts for later.

That's jamiroquai and buses.

Sweet baby Nazarbayev, We made it in Almaty.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Photo of the Day 9/3/12

Kid walking in the courtyard swinging around a Darth Maul lightsaber. Too cute.


Almaty, Kazakhstan
12:03pm 09/03/2012

I am losing my fucking mind.

     Sometimes it seems I am way in over my head.  Sometimes I have this restless feeling that nothing is being done because nothing can be done - I feel absolutely powerless over the situation.  And then there are the times where I am in the middle of it all, working non-stop, getting stuff done but, the clutter comes in and everything seemingly grinds to a halt although "progress is made."

     Right now I am racking my brains out - I need to get things done but, I need to get out, too.  I need to leave this place which has almost nothing to offer me, although I appreciate the small things here and there.  In the grand scheme of things, I am not happy - so, of course it is the little things that carry you along, right?

     This past weekend was a period of inactivity on our part, I guess one last day off until the world ends.  Saturday night we went out to a sauna, which was nice and relaxing (I guess as relaxing it could be when you're with your dad uncle and a bunch of other dudes getting drunk.)  I could imagine throwing a party there with friends but, that won't happen.  I enjoyed the place for what it was.  It was a large space with a pool table, ping pong table, some couches, a large tv, two beds, a pool, showers, and a sauna room.  It was good and I enjoyed it but, I can't say I relaxed.

     And now, here I am on Monday with so many things to do but they aren't being done or can't be done.  I have no equipment and, my employees, 2/3 have school, are in school but don't know their school schedules until today or tomorrow...which is ridiculous.  Nothing is straight forward here, there always is something out from left field.  You'd think I'd understand that more and would be able to deal with it immediately but, that's not the case.  I enjoy a challenge but, this is beyond such - this whole venture in fact is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.  And that I cannot bare.  I have ideas and things to do back home but, after this, I do not even know I want to do any of those things.

Ahh for fuck sakes.

I need to plot my return.